Just to update how many kilometers I have been cycling since settling over to France .. these are 14,230 km for now!!! Keep on riding πŸ™‚ !

February 20, 2010 My Life

Yep, in december I started writing my PhD thesis! The most special moment was when I wrote down the first sentences of the very first page. Since then it is gradually growing .. I should eventually post some statistics about the improvement. I will have a look at that…

January 19, 2010 My Life, PhD

Hey, I did not post about this… one of our projects got published at last years British Machine Vision Conference (BMVC ’09) in London. And more than just a publication, our work was accepted as an oral presentation. Since all presentations from this conference were recorded and published online at videolectures.net, you can see me presenting on their site. Enjoy πŸ™‚ !

January 19, 2010 My Life, PhD

I have had my iBook G4 for quite a while now, but it got slower over the time (and with the new versions of Mac OS X). About time to get a new machine! Instead of continuing with Macintosh or saddling over to Windows, I chose freedom: A Samsung NC10 netbook together with the Ubuntu Linux distribution:

I’m free! No viruses, no need for proprietary software, no control, and instead plenty of free software a mouse click away for installation. I migrated my data and I have been working with now for some weeks, it feels very good. Ubuntu is a great distribution.

Looking through the net, I found a lot of music software for Linux, wow! I’ll put a list of useful applications online at a later point. I was also very happy to see that my Edirol Audio/MIDI USB interface worked right away with Ubuntu (9.04). So I can get back to home recording!

Of course Linux is not perfect so far. The duration of the battery of my Samsung NC10 is under Linux only about 4h15. Power consumption under Windows is super-optimized – there it ranges around 6h. Another issue are stability issues when waking the NC10 up, in 10-15% of the cases Linux hangs and the system needs to be restarted. This might get solved in the future, we’ll see. Otherwise it runs great.

September 7, 2009 Linux, My Life

Yippie!!! Lately I was checking the total amount of km the speedometer of my bike, I passed the 10,000 km limit. My speedometer actually restarted at 0 since it cannot display 10,000 .. so I was at the first view shocked, but then I understood πŸ˜‰ . I don’t know about you, but I am indeed very proud of myself πŸ˜‰ .

February 5, 2009 My Life

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