I updated the song ‘Café au Lait’. My colleague Diane helped in putting some parts of the lyrics right .. now the lyrics are perfect 🙂 . THANKS A LOT, DIANE!!!

Here are the lyrics:

Dans le café en bas de chez moi,
Il y a du monde.
Quand il fait beau tout le monde se voit.

Je descends au café en bas
Pour voire un copain.
J’arrive en retard, mais il n’est pas encore là
… tant pis, je commande

D’habitude, je préfère du thé
Aux senteurs de l’été!
Mais avec du sucre et beaucoup de lait…
… de temps en temps.

August 24, 2008 Music

I finished another song that has been waiting for a while .. it needed still some lyrics, so I wrote some today, sang them in and mixed the final version. Note that the solo guitar has been recorded with iBook build-in microphone :).

August 17, 2008 Music

flyer for Light Motif concert on 29 May, 2008 Yesterday we had our second public concert (after the XMas concert last year in November). It was a nice gig, people said that they enjoyed it :). We also played two own compositions: Valse de Voyages (by Nicolas, our vibraphone player) and Lately (which is my composition). On the left you see the flyer for this concert (it’s actually Fano our saxophone player). BTW .. videos of the last concert can be found on youtube. Have a good weekend!

May 30, 2008 Music

Finally we managed to put the videos of our christmas concert online :). Here we go… (click on “Read the rest of this entry” to see all tracks we played)

Autumn leaves:

January 10, 2008 Music

XMas concert of Light Motif at 30 November, 2007 in GrenobleOn Monday 26th November, we played our first concert with our jazz quartet Light Motif … in the living room at our home. Since soon is christmas, we named the concert XMas concert. Have a look at the photos in the gallery.

December 2, 2007 Music, My Life

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